суббота, 7 апреля 2012 г.


                                            WINTER -SPRING 2012
 English –For the 3-rd year groups 
Class Time:   Monday  Wednesday  Friday        Total hours: 90 hrs  
Instructor –
Telephone – Home –
                Mobile –   

Course Materials (required):

1.     Jack C. Richards “New Interchange” Part III Student and Work books

2.     Test File and Teacher’s Resource Book

3.     Home Reading 

4.     Newspapers

English Course  Schedule- Winter-Spring 2012

Group  No                              ENGLISH  DEPARTMENT
      / hrs
 1         2
İnterchange part III. Unit 1 p-2-7

2        2
That’s what friends are for!’listening

3        2
Past Tense p-3 Workbook exercises

4        2
 Newspaper materials

5       2
Unit 2. Career moves p-8-13

6       2
Tell Us About Your Job p-9 WBook

7       2
Unit 3.Could you do me a favor?p14

8       2
Newspaper material

9       2
Home reading       Quiz 1

10      2
Unit 4.What a story! p-20-25

11      2
Grammar Past and Past Perf..p21

12      2
Eating for Energy p-25

13      2
Unit 5.Crossing Cultures p 28-33

14      2
Newspaper  Test 1

15      2
Home reading

16      2
Unit 6. What’s wrong with it? P34-39

17      2
Newspaper. Workbooks

18      2
Home reading   Quiz 2

19      2
Unit 7.The world we live in.p.40

20      2
Newspaper. Workbook

21      2
Home reading

22     2
Unit 8.Learning to learn p.46

23     2
Reading, Unique customs

24     2
Newspaper, Home reading

25     2
Unit 9. Self Improvement p.54-59

26     2
Newspaper, workbook Quiz 3

27    2
Home reading 

28    2
Test 2

29    2
Unit 10. The past and the future p-60

30    2
Find the job That’s right for you

31    2
Newspaper, home reading

32    2
Unit 11. Life’s Little Lessons p66. dialogues

33    2
Newspaper, workbooks

34    2
Home reading Quiz 4

35    2
Unit 12.The right stuff, p-72-77

36    2
Homereading, newspaper

37    2
Test 3

38    2
Unit 13. That’s a possibility p-80-85

39    2
Newspaper Homereading

40    2
Unit 14. Behind the scenes p-86-91

41    2
Newspaper Home reading

42    2
Unit 15. There should be a law p.92

43    2
Newspaper Quiz 5

44    2
Unit 16.Callenges and accomplishments p. 98-103

45    2
Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses

                    All in all 90 hrs





Course Objective:  This course is designed to develop effective verbal and written communication skills for use in the business environment.

General Procedures:
1.Start  of class is indicated by the bell. Thus you should be in the room before the bell rings.
2.Door  will be locked and entry denied 5 minutes after the start of class and 1 minute after the end of break.
3.Students  who miss 3 classes will be dropped from the class roster and will not be allowed to continue in the course
4.Proper materials should be brought to class. This includes your test paper and pen. Keeping a folder for the this course is strongly suggested.
5.Assignments should be submitted in a hard copy format, not via e-mail.
6.Printing assignments, discussing grades with academic administrators, or any other “school business ”are not valid excuses for missing class. These things should  be done on your own time.
Attendance and Preparation for Class: Roll will be taken each class. Class discussion is part of your grade for the course. Failure to be present and adequately prepared for class will prevent you from participating in discussions. Additionally, many things presented in class are not in the text. Don’t  worry about making mistakes in front of your fellow students, or teacher. Making mistakes is the way to learn. If you miss the class, you will miss important information for the exam.
Essays and Quizzes:  At the start of each class, you will be  quizzed on material from the previous lecture as well as readings to be completed prior to each class meeting.  Additionally, each week, you will be asked to complete writing assignments, such as sample letters, business proposals, etc.  Quizzes will be conducted at the start of class.  The best ten quiz grades will be calculated in your final average.  If you miss a class session or arrive late, you will not have the opportunity to take the quiz.  If you have fewer than ten quiz grades, zeros will be calculated in your grade for the missing quizzes.
Graded Class Discussion: Each week we will have a portion of the class that will be a graded discussion. You will be responsible for preparing questions before class and for responding during class discussions. If You sit and say nothing ,you will receive a zero for that class. If you are absent from class, you will receive a zero for that days discussion. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS FOR CLASS DISCUSSION.
Group Projects: Students will be required to complete a project on a topic of their choosing. Presentation  must be on a real organizational problem. This will be a 7-10 page research paper. Each group will make an in class PowerPoint presentation of about 15 minutes, Research for the project must be original and not the work that has
previously been completed by another student for another course. The purpose of this assignment is to give students a team- work experience. All projects must be approved by the instructor before being started. You will be required to research books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, encyclopedias, etc.  in order to complete your research. You must complete a presentation to accompany your project.
The deadline for submitting project report is the presentation day.

Presentations:  Being able to speak persuasively and effectively is essential for entry into the business world.  Therefore, you will have periodic presentations before the class.  Some presentations will be individual and others will be group presentations, as is the case in the business world.  Specific directions, rubrics, and due dates will be provided by the instructor. 
Go On-Line: Before the Next Class Meeting, you must send an email to ...@mail.ru” with “ML” in the subject area and your name in the message area, so that I will have your email address.  In the e-mail please include your photo and group number.
Academic Honesty: All university and college regulations concerning withdrawal and academic honesty will apply.  Students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity.  The university assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts.  This includes but is not limited to, sharing information during quizzes and tests, plagiarizing published material, discussing material on exams with students in other sections, and unauthorized collaboration on assignments.  Students should be familiar with the university’s policy on issues such as plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration,
falsification, and multiple submissions.  Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty.

Late Assignments and Make Up Tests: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day they are due.  Assignments handed in after the beginning of class will be reduced by 10% of the available points for the assignment for each 24 hour period they are late.  Except in dire emergency there are no make-up tests.  Make-up tests may only be arranged before the time of the examination (that means call, email, or see me ahead of time).
Instructor Contact:  Meetings may be arranged by appointment.  If you do not understand material, please do not hesitate to contact me. Do not wait until right before examinations to try to understand a semester’s worth of content.
Always feel free to ask questions and make comments. It will help me understand if anything is not getting across to you and learning process. I will take attendance at each lesson. Attendance is not included in the grade but class participation is.
Midterm and Final Exam Rules:
The exams will be comprehensive and application oriented ,e.g., I may ask you to analyze a case and report what you would do to resolve the problems. Responses must demonstrate  comprehension  of the course material as well as ability to integrate and apply it. Responses should also provide evidence that your approach to solving  problems has been influenced by the material in this course. Exams will also include some multiple choice and True/ False type questions. 
1.Please use a pen, not a pencil.
2.You must not use dictionaries, other books or notes during the exam.
3.Mobile phones must be switched off.
4.DONT CHEAT!  It is cheating to:
     -talk to other students during the exam.
     - look at other students’ exam papers during the exam.      
      - allow other students to see your paper.
      - use books and notes prepared before the exam.
If you cheat once, the teacher will write ‘C’ on your test paper, and you will lose 5% from your final grade. If you cheat twice, you will fail the test with a zero mark.

Note: Final Exam will include all of the material covered during the semester.
This syllabus is meant to be a guide for the course.  Deviations may be necessary.

Grade Breakdown                                               
Attendance                           10%                         
Activity: Discus. assign-ts     20%
Essays/Quizzes, exercises:    10%
Exams: Mid-term                   20%
   Final                                      40%
Grade System                 
100-90.6 points = A or Excellent       78.5-70.6   C   Needs to review the unit(s)                                                              
90.5-89.6points = A-                          70.5- 69.6  C-
89.5-88.6points = B+  or Very good    69.5- 60.0  D
88.5-80.6points = B                             Below  60.   F
80.5-79.6points = B-
79.5-78.6points = C+ or Fair                         
Grade Breakdown
Point Value
 Graded Discussion
 Writing Assignments
Quizzes, exercises
Mid-term Exam
Final Exam
100 points

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